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Internal Thoracic Arteries Injuries During Harvesting: Mitigation and Management

Bakhos, Jules J. et al.
Published Articles
Internal Thoracic Arteries Injuries During Harvesting: Mitigation and Management

Meticulous internal thoracic artery harvesting, prompt damage detection, flexible repair techniques, and quality control are the principles to achieve good graft patency.

Jules J. Bakhos, MD, MSc, Gabriele M. Iacona, MD, Marijan Koprivanac, MD, Michael Z. Tong, MD, Shinya Unai, MD, Edward G. Soltesz, MD, Haytham Elgharably, MD, Faisal G. Bakaeen, MD

Coronary Artery Surgery: Past, Present, and Future

Ghandakly EC, Iacona GM and Bakaeen FG
Published Articles
Coronary Artery Surgery: Past, Present, and Future

Coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) is the most commonly performed and studied major cardiac operation worldwide. An understanding of the evolution of CABG, including the early days of cardiac surgery, the first bypass operation, continuous improvements in techniques, and streamlining of the operation, is important to inform current trends and future innovations. Read More..

Elizabeth C Ghandakly, Gabriele M Iacona, Faisal G Bakaeen

The 10 Commandments for Proximal Anastomosis During CABG: Techniques and Technologies for Vein and Arterial Grafts

Baudo M., Torregrossa G. and Puskas JD.
Published Articles
The 10 Commandments for Proximal Anastomosis During CABG: Techniques and Technologies for Vein and Arterial Grafts

In coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG), the proximal anastomosis and management of the ascending aorta are critical moments that significantly influence the risk of perioperative stroke, due to the potential for cerebral embolization from dislodged aortic debris or hypoperfusion caused by hypotension.Perioperative stroke remains one of the most severe complications of CABG, leading to significant morbidity, mortality, and economic burden.

Massimo Baudo, Gianluca Torregrossa, and John D. Puskas

The 10 Commandments for Multiarterial Grafting

Akhrass R. and Bakaeen F.
Published Articles
The 10 Commandments for Multiarterial Grafting

Coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG), introduced and pioneered over 50 years ago at the Cleveland Clinic by Dr. Rene Favalloro, has remained the gold standard in the treatment of multivessel coronary artery disease with heavy atherosclerotic burden. While utilizing the internal thoracic artery (ITA) to bypass the left anterior descending artery (LAD) has been the cornerstone of CABG since 1986, there has been growing consensus on the importance of multiarterial grafting (MAG) with the use of at least 2 arterial grafts, resulting in improved survival and freedom from major adverse cardiac events including reinterventions

Rami Akhrass and Faisal G Bakaeen

Minimally invasive surgical coronary artery bypass in women

Miller C. and Zwischenberger B.
Published Articles
Minimally invasive surgical coronary artery bypass in women

Minimally invasive coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) has emerged as a viable alternative to conventional sternotomy CABG in select patients requiring coronary revascularization. Specific techniques vary, but minimally invasive CABG (i.e., MIDCAB) usually involves revascularization of the left anterior descending (LAD) artery with the left internal mammary artery (LIMA)...

Cynthia L. Miller and Brittany A. Zwischenberger
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