Presentation cover: laptop with hanging headphones, desk setting

Results for the First Quarter 2024

Sales ended at MNOK 133.8, 3.5% above the first quarter last year (MNOK 129.3). Currency neutral sales of own products was down 1%. Recurring sales remain high at 75% or MNOK 83.5 (68% or MNOK 73.8) for the quarter.
International Coronary Congress in Japan press release presentationRoma Women medical research trial

Medistim celebrates a long-standing relationship with the Japanese cardiac surgery community

Dec 2, 2022
This is very much a story of a perfect fit between Norwegian technology and Japanese quality standards. Medistim technology has been able to meet expectations of the quality driven Japanese market. There are few arenas…
Presentation cover: laptop with hanging headphones, desk settingRoma Women medical research trial

Results for the First Quarter 2024

Sales ended at MNOK 133.8, 3.5% above the first quarter last year (MNOK 129.3). Currency neutral sales of own products was down 1%. Recurring sales remain high at 75% or MNOK 83.5 (68% or MNOK 73.8) for the quarter.