MiraQ™ Ultimate

The only system combining TTFM and ultrasound imaging in a single system for Cardiac, Vascular & Transplant surgery.
Experience MiraQ firsthand –Where precision meets insight.
MiraQ Ultimate showing ultrasound image on screen
Get Confidence in Every Surgical Outcome

The MiraQ Ultimate integrates cardiac, vascular and transplant applications in one system.

Cardiac Surgery

Get immediate feedback on the quality of the CABG surgery with epicardial imaging showing coronary stenosis and graft anastomoses, and flow measurements verifying graft patency. Epiaortic imaging may reveal aortic disease leading to modifications of the surgical strategy.

Heart illustration emphasizing veins

Vascular Surgery

Get instant feedback on the quality of the vascular procedures; Peripheral bypass surgery, AV access surgery, and carotid endarterectomy. Flow and imaging during surgery can secure graft patency, adequate flow levels, and reveal any defects in the lumen which could cause postoperative stroke.

Transplant Surgery

Ensure adequate hemodynamics and patent anastomoses with flow and imaging during transplant surgery. Imperfect perfusion of the graft can be identified and instantly corrected to avoid primary graft dysfunction or graft infarction.

Liver illustration

Guidelines-endorsed Technology

Embrace the guidelines recommendations to give surgical precision with transit time flow measurement (TTFM) and intraoperative ultrasound imaging (HFUS). Backed by global health authorities (EACTS/ESC, NICE, ASE/EACVI, ACCG/AHA, ESVS, SVS, WFVS, DGG, ILTS, and EAU).

Medistim's TTFM and HFUS technology deliver enhanced intraoperative insights.

Highly accurate blood flow volume measurements and detailed morphological assessments, ensuring best possible outcomes.

Epicardial imaging
Transit Time Flow Measurement
Epiaortic imaging
Guidelines-endorsed technology

Instant feedback, ultimate control with dual technology​​

Medistim’s High-frequency Ultrasound Imaging Probe provides high-resolution images that allow the surgeon to assess morphology and the TTFM probes utilize transit time technology to accurately measure blood volume flow intraoperatively.
Combining the spatial information from ultrasound imaging and quantitative data from TTFM ​enables the surgeon to make informed decisions, and revise when necessary. This dual technology gives surgeons ultimate control, enabling planning, navigation, and verification during Cardiac, Vascular and Transplant surgery.

The practical recommendation is that TTFM completion control can and should be utilized at the end of virtually every open or hybrid vascular surgical operation.

Profs. Pirkka Vikatmaa and Anders Alback, 2018

The problem with this very important graft was not evident by other metrics in the operating room.

Prof. John D. Puskas  MD

Compare your options

Upper part of MiraQ, screen displays flow levels.
MiraQ Ultimate upper body side view
Cardiac and Vascular adapted interface with flow only
Cardiac and Vascular adapted interface with flow and imaging
Channel configuration


2x Flow

1x AUX


2x Flow

1x AUX

System features

Ultrasound imaging

  • B-Mode imaging
  • Color Doppler imaging
  • Pulsed Wave Doppler

Transit Time Flow Measurement

AUX/ECG display

Guided Workflow

Ultrasound imaging

  • B-Mode imaging
  • Color Doppler imaging
  • Pulsed Wave Doppler

Transit Time Flow Measurement

AUX/ECG display

Guided Workflow


2 extra flow channels

1 Doppler channel

1 Pressure channel¹

1 extra AUX channel²

Printer support

Printer support and color printer

DICOM interface

2 extra flow channels

1 Doppler channel

1 Pressure channel¹

1 extra AUX channel²

Printer support

Printer support and color printer

DICOM interface

Field upgrade module

Ultrasound Imaging Upgrade Kit³

Ultrasound Imaging Upgrade Kit³

  1. Pressure channels are intended to be connected to a transducer to measure directly.
  2. AUX channels are designed to receive signals from other monitoring systems, such as ECG and pressure.
  3. When a flow system with Doppler is upgraded, an ultrasound imaging module will be substituted in its place.


Flow probes

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Imaging probe

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Cables for interfacing ECG​

Cables for interfaced or direct pressure measurements