Vascular Table of Contents
Introduction Guidelines Abbreviations Transit Time Flow Measurement (TTFM) Principles of TTFM How to mcasuro TTFM paramotors Rofcrcnco values Insufficioncy / Backflow SynthOtic grafts Pressure Measurements High-frequency Ultrasound (HFUS) Principles of HFUS Imaging views HFUS modalites and settings Imaging artifacts Mistakes to avoid Doppler Peripheral Bypass dil Normal T T FM in Peripheral Bypass Suboptimal TTFM in Peripheral Bypass Femoral-popliteal bypass with revision Femoral-popliteal restenosis Normal TTFM in AV Access Suboptimal TTFM in AV Access Radiocephalic AV fistula Creation Radiocephalic AV fistula thrombus Radvocephalic AV fistula obstruction Carotid Endarterectomy Normal TTFM in Carotid Endarterectomy Suboptimal TTFM in Carotid Endarterectomy Thrombus detected by HFIJS Carotid dissection seen by HFCS Intimal tlap tound after Carotid Endarterectomy Kinked Internal Carotid Artery (ICA) CIDAC Protocol and Results Guiding Vikatmaa et al. Miyake et al. Other Vascular Cases Femoral thrombendarterectomy Femoral thrombendarterectomy with revision Mesa-Rex shunt: Thrombus detected with TTFM and HFIJS Checklists Extracting images and video clips References